About the Flexible Learning Paths Initiative:
Based on the Kingdom's Vision 2030 in developing human resources and enhancing their skills, and for the role assigned to Najran University in contributing to the realization of that vision, the Deanship of E-Learning and Distance Education has worked to keep pace with changes in the education system by employing various education technologies to diversify learning sources and develop basic and future skills by providing opportunities Self and continuous learning for university cadres.

Therefore, the Deanship launched the first phase of the Flexible Learning Paths initiative, which is one of the initiatives of the National Center for E-Learning, through which it provides a set of learning paths that harmonize educational outcomes with the needs and requirements of the labor market through the national e-learning platform FutureX and in partnership with a number of international educational platforms. And local, and the learning path consists of a number of courses or training courses in a specific field offered by international and local universities and major companies, and the completion of the path ends with a professional certificate or a certificate of completion from Najran University and the National Center for E-Learning.

Initiative goals:

  • Providing an opportunity for university employees to learn from international platforms.
  • Increasing the opportunity of university graduates in the labor market.
  • Contribute to the achievement of institutional learning outcomes.
  • Designing pathways to keep pace with skills and jobs in the labor market.
  • Provide an opportunity for university employees to obtain professional certificates.
  • Increasing learning opportunities and diversifying its sources.
  • Promote the self-learning process.


The target group of the initiative:

  • The first stage: university students expected to graduate.
  • The second stage: the faculty and staff of the university.

Advantages offered by the initiative:

  • Develop professional and personal skills.
  • Course completion certificate from Najran University and the National Center for E-Learning.
  • A certificate of completion for each course from the global or local training platform.
  • A professional certificate upon completion of a track for professional certificates.
  • Recording track hours in the student's skill record.

Educational platforms:

The first stage: Coursera platform and FutureX platform.

learning style:

Self and asynchronous learning.

The most important tracks:

Learning paths available in the first stage:

  • Artificial intelligence.
  • Financial management.
  • Soft skills.
  • Data science.
  • Promote mental health.
  • Digital marketing.
  • The legal administration.
  • Administrative Services Department.

common questions:

Is the learning process in the in-person or distance tracks?

Learning in all tracks is remote (asynchronous).

Is joining the tracks a fee?

No, all tracks are fully supported by the Deanship of Student Affairs at the university, and therefore they are free for students.

How do I access the educational path?

To access the learning paths and start the learning process, you can follow the steps provided in the guide (Learner's Guide to Flexible Learning Paths).

Are there certificates?

Yes, there is a certificate of completion for each course issued by the Coursera platform after completing the course, as well as a certificate for each track issued by Najran University and the National Center for E-Learning after completing all the courses of the track.

Is the license deactivated if it is not used?

Yes, if two weeks have passed since the turn of attending the educational track courses, the license will be deactivated and transferred to another student.

Are there tests in the learning paths?

Yes, there are quizzes and assignments in each track course.

Is it possible to register in more than one track?

You are allowed to register in only one track, and in the event that the track is terminated, another track will be available.

How is the path chosen?

The Deanship provides a set of tracks related to the requirements of the labor market, and you can choose the one that suits you best.

Is it possible to enroll in a track that is not related to my major?

Yes, if you think it serves your goals and matches your inclinations.

How do I get technical support in the event of a problem with the account or any inquiries?

Contact the technical support team at the Deanship of E-Learning and Distance Education. (Link to support channels).